History, tradition and passion are woven into the past of Talarico Jewelers, which was founded in Livorno in 1944 as swiss technical watchmaking on Ernesto Rossi street. Founder Italo Talarico obtained a watch repair concession at the U.S. base at Camp Darby.

Later in 1955, in the Piazza Grande store, Italo Talarico began to devote himself to selling swiss watches: Longines, Zenith, Bulova. Prestigious jewelry from Valenza Po also appeared in his windows and he became a dealer in Unoaerre’s goldsmith production.

In 1968, it moved to Via Grande 180, its current location, and established itself as a point of reference for the sale of watches and jewelry of the Salvini, Re Carlo, Visconti, Miluna and Unoaerre brands. In the early 1980’s his daughter Mariateresa took over the business. To her we owe the further impetus in sales and also the development of cultural activities related to the history of jewelry manufacturing, investing in events and exhibitions.

Demonstrating this commitment, in 2003, at the “Effetto Venezia” event in Livorno, she revived “Livorno’s 19th century workshops” with an exhibition on the ancient goldsmith technique of filigree. The great master filigree maker Franchita Bongera of Campo Ligure, made gold and silver filigree jewelry by candlelight

The passion for the ancient Leghorn coral manufacturing since 1600 to 1959 characterized an important economy in the city. It was an incentive, with the promotion of the superintendence of Pisa, to found in the Medici Fortezza Vecchia in Livorno, a museum dedicated to this ancient “Red gold.”

In 2010, another initiative in Torre del Greco, “Mirabilia Coralli,” a large exhibition on Mediterranean coral, made known the history of typical Leghorn coral processing. Torre del Greco December 2010 – January 2011.

In 2018, one more event marked Mariateresa’s commitment in the cultural field: the exhibition entitled “Coral from the Medici to the 1900’s “in the Palazzo Pretorio – Rocca del Brunelleschi . Vico Pisano October 2018.

Finally, in 2020, it was a boast for Talarico jewelers to conduct the thematic exhibition “Coral in the time of the Modigliani” on the occasion of the exhibition dedicated to the master Amedeo Modigliani, in the museum of the city of Livorno.
Livorno February 2020.


Mariateresa Talarico’s commitment to the business sector has earned her important awards: in 2001 the Livorno chamber of commerce awarded Gioielleria Talarico a gold medal for “Proven business continuity since 1944,” listing her among Livorno’s historic businesses.
There has also been no shortage of important institutional positions: from 2003 to 2006 she was President of the women’s entrepreneurship committee of the Chamber of Commerce, and from 1994 to 1998 President of Confesercenti.


Italo Talarico’s daughter , Mariateresa, the current owner of the family business, is Livorno Court appraiser no. 1 and Livorno Chamber of Commerce appraiser no. 778 for the precious sector (watchmaking – jewelry – silverware).

She also specializes in legal inventories, hereditary valuations of safe deposit box contents, and estimates as a technician inheritances and inheritance divisions.
In 2008, Mariateresa Talarico opened a distinct and specialised branch whereby she currently acts as an intermediary in the consignment of private sales of vintage and precious items.


Mariateresa Talarico has over the years collected ancient coral artifacts to maintain the testimony of the precious manual manufacturing of the “Red gold”, called such of its high cost. The properties of mediterranean coral such as firmness, color, difficulty of fishing and processing and, not to be underestimated, the belief that it is an exceptional good luck charm, made it the most desired jewelry. For centuries parents put the “sticker” (coral sprig) around their newborn baby’s neck as a sign of good health. The fine manufacturing of hand-crafted coral “vezzi”, which developed in Livorno in the past centuries, helped develop women’s work, and a set of supply chain enterprises, as well as a thriving economy. The myth of coral is still fascinating, and in Italy it is still being truncated, cleaned, polished, engraved, and faceted by hand as it was many years ago.


La Gioielleria Talarico offre il servizio di “conto vendita da privati” per preziosi , argenterie, orologerie d’antiquariato e vintage. Questo tipo di vendita garantisce la proprietà degli oggetti, con una stima qualificata dal perito Mariateresa Talarico, esperta di articoli d’arte e di antiquariato e altresì garantisce il cliente nell’acquisto di oggetti peritati nel rispetto della privacy.
Mariateresa Talarico: Perito del Tribunale di Livorno N. 1 e Perito della Camera di commercio di Livorno N. 778 è a disposizione della clientela per qualsiasi tipo di informazione.

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